Alice: Madness Returns

Live Alice: Madness Returns Streams: Erleben Sie die Action in Echtzeit

  • 2164 Platz in Beliebheitsgrad
Alice: Madness Returns ist ein dynamisches und ständig weiterentwickelndes Spiel, und es gibt keine bessere Möglichkeit, es zu erleben als live. Unsere Seite, die sich den live Alice: Madness Returns Streams widmet, bringt Ihnen die aufregendsten und beliebtesten Live-Streams von Alice: Madness Returns. Sehen Sie zu, wie Top-Streamer das Spiel navigieren, sich in spannenden Kämpfen engagieren und ihre beeindruckenden Fähigkeiten zur Schau stellen. Wir bieten Echtzeit-Updates darüber, wer gerade streamt und wie viele Zuschauer es gibt. Bleiben Sie dran, um zu wissen, wer die Alice: Madness Returns Streaming-Welt anführt.

Über Alice: Madness Returns

Alternative Namen: Return of American McGee’s Alice, Alice : Retour au Pays de la Folie, Alice 2, American McGee's Alice II
Pakete: Alice: Madness Returns - Ultimate Edition
Datum der ersten Veröffentlichung: 14 Jun 2011
Spielmodi: Single player
Genres: Platform, Puzzle, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Quiz/Trivia, Adventure
Beteiligte Unternehmen: Electronic Arts, Spicy Horse Games
Schlüsselwörter: ghosts, bloody, murder, samurai, minigames, shark, turn-based, death, robots, 2.5d, horse, frog, maze, doctor, rabbit, female protagonist, insanity, action-adventure, side-scrolling, steam, bird, backtracking, achievements, time limit, undead, traps, blocks, based on - book, revenge, snow, camera, dice, sequel, level selection, talking animals, darkness, boss fight, fixed camera, explosion, block puzzle, digital distribution, floating blocks, anthropomorphism, playstation trophies, alternate costumes, playing cards, voice acting, cat, bink video, human, polygonal 3d, mouse, shopping, bow and arrow, upgradeable weapons, game reference, collectibles, ea app, cartoon cutscene, original soundtrack release, unlockables, wasd movement, non-player character, descendants of other characters, fake in-game advertising, corpse, ice stage, snail, checkpoints, treasure chest, unstable platforms, character growth, royalty, downloadable content, auto-aim, xbox live, melee, auto-saving, underwater gameplay, octopus, secret area, infinite ammo, invisible enemy, unbeatable enemies, vision obstruction, shielded enemies, difficulty level, multi-phase boss, self-referential humor, scary children, female antagonist, multiple gameplay perspectives, yeti, floating island, moving platforms, destructible environment, no hud, been here before, water level, xbox one backwards compatibility, invisible wall, predecessor included, tentacles, auto-scrolling levels, disorientation, hallucination, game with chapters, domino, games on demand, chessboard, plot twist, boss assistance, completion percentage, gliding, splash damage, ambient music, overweight character, environmental kill, flashback, scripted events, new game plus, jumping puzzle, balance platforms, propaganda, cutscene menu, severed limbs, new purchase incentives, infinite spawn, context sensitive, falling object, combat-based platformer, secret achievements, swarming enemies, foreshadowing, persistent enemy, forced slow walking, another world, tragic hero, corruption, dark second act, rotating platforms, pedophilia, selective invincibility, pc to console port, tokyo game show 2010
Plattformen: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Spielerperspektiven: Third person
Ähnliche Spielen: BioShock, Dead Space, Dishonored, Singularity, Tomb Raider, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Doom, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2
Themen: Action, Horror
Sprachunterstützung: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish (Spain)
Lokalisierungen: 앨리스: 매드니스 리턴즈 (Korea)

LIVE: Alice: Madness Returns

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