Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Live Deus Ex: Human Revolution Streams: Erleben Sie die Action in Echtzeit

  • 2039 Platz in Beliebheitsgrad
Deus Ex: Human Revolution ist ein dynamisches und ständig weiterentwickelndes Spiel, und es gibt keine bessere Möglichkeit, es zu erleben als live. Unsere Seite, die sich den live Deus Ex: Human Revolution Streams widmet, bringt Ihnen die aufregendsten und beliebtesten Live-Streams von Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Sehen Sie zu, wie Top-Streamer das Spiel navigieren, sich in spannenden Kämpfen engagieren und ihre beeindruckenden Fähigkeiten zur Schau stellen. Wir bieten Echtzeit-Updates darüber, wer gerade streamt und wie viele Zuschauer es gibt. Bleiben Sie dran, um zu wissen, wer die Deus Ex: Human Revolution Streaming-Welt anführt.

Über Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Alternative Namen: DX:HR, Deus Ex 3, DXHR, DE Human Revolution, DEHR, デウスエクス
Pakete: Ultimate Stealth Triple Pack, Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Ultimate Edition, Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Collector's Edition
Datum der ersten Veröffentlichung: 23 Aug 2011
Spielmodi: Single player
Genres: Shooter, Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG)
Beteiligte Unternehmen: Square Enix, Feral Interactive, Eidos Montréal, GRIP Entertainment, Nixxes Software
Schlüsselwörter: helicopter, basketball, exploration, cyberpunk, cybernetics, bloody, minigames, story driven, dystopian, first person shooter, prequel, death, robots, gangs, cyborg, steam, espionage, achievements, traps, illuminati, hostages, hacking, artificial intelligence, dialogue trees, nanotechnology, conspiracy, revenge, easter egg, darkness, boss fight, explosion, steam achievements, digital distribution, xbox controller support for pc, single-player only, steam cloud, countdown timer, playstation trophies, rivaling factions, customization, voice acting, polygonal 3d, qr codes, mouse, mission briefing, upgradeable weapons, game reference, full motion video, original soundtrack release, wasd movement, color separation, non-player character, profanity, fake in-game advertising, retail games with steam activation, playstation plus, sniping, ragdoll physics, stereoscopic 3d, branching storyline, using dialogue to avoid combat, downloadable content, black market, real-time combat, games with gold, wilhelm scream, internet culture reference, fake glitch, multiple gameplay perspectives, audio logs, vending machine interaction, cover system, destructible environment, terrorists, bribery, scientist, interactive environments, film noir, playstation now, been here before, xbox one backwards compatibility, item combination, pacifist playthrough, games on demand, surveillance camera, onlive, pre-order exclusive, dolby digital, banter during gameplay, super strength, meme origin, regenerating health, camera shift, finishing move, invisibility, vent crawling, in-game e-mail, aggressive door-opening, lock picking, first-person platforming, guided by radio, innocent people die, context sensitive, detective mode, secret achievements, fully customizable controls, moving bodies, trilogy, sex work, slip cover packaging, breaking through windows, super soldier, heroic sacrifice, missile launcher, elevators that mask loading times, greatest hits, surgery in game, level scaling, novint falcon support, pc to console port, pax prime 2010, achievement hitching, multi-monitor support, pax prime 2011, initial install, pax east 2011, tokyo game show 2010, e3 2010, immersive, male protagonist
Plattformen: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac
Spielerperspektiven: First person
Ähnliche Spielen: Fallout: New Vegas, BioShock, Deus Ex, Metro 2033, Dishonored, BioShock Infinite, Max Payne 3, Syndicate, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Soma
Themen: Action, Science fiction, Stealth
Lokalisierungen: デウスエクス ヒューマン レボリューション (Japan)
Sammlungen: Deus Ex

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