God of War III

Live God of War III Streams: Erleben Sie die Action in Echtzeit

  • 825 Platz in Beliebheitsgrad
God of War III ist ein dynamisches und ständig weiterentwickelndes Spiel, und es gibt keine bessere Möglichkeit, es zu erleben als live. Unsere Seite, die sich den live God of War III Streams widmet, bringt Ihnen die aufregendsten und beliebtesten Live-Streams von God of War III. Sehen Sie zu, wie Top-Streamer das Spiel navigieren, sich in spannenden Kämpfen engagieren und ihre beeindruckenden Fähigkeiten zur Schau stellen. Wir bieten Echtzeit-Updates darüber, wer gerade streamt und wie viele Zuschauer es gibt. Bleiben Sie dran, um zu wissen, wer die God of War III Streaming-Welt anführt.

Über God of War III

Alternative Namen: God of War 3, GOW3, GOWIII
Pakete: God of War Saga, God of War Trilogy
Datum der ersten Veröffentlichung: 16 Mar 2010
Franchises: God of War
Spielmodi: Single player
Genres: Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Adventure
Beteiligte Unternehmen: SCE Santa Monica Studio, Sony Computer Entertainment
Schlüsselwörter: greek mythology, bloody, murder, magic, death, horse, maze, mythology, action-adventure, religion, steam, achievements, undead, portals, revenge, nudity, sequel, climbing, swimming, sword & sorcery, giants, gods, one-man army, darkness, boss fight, fixed camera, explosion, block puzzle, single-player only, platform exclusive, playstation trophies, alternate costumes, 60 fps on consoles, voice acting, human, polygonal 3d, skill points in game, bow and arrow, upgradeable weapons, rat, photo mode, collectibles, special attacks, full motion video, original soundtrack release, unlockables, extreme violence, centaurs, minotaurs, escort mission, melee, real-time combat, stat tracking, instant kill, shielded enemies, wilhelm scream, post-credits plot twist, pack-in game, rpg elements, mercenary, falling sequence, cross culture language skills, villain, anti-hero, been here before, unlockable difficulty level, suicide, banshee, particle system, pre-order exclusive, quick time event, cutscene pause, unskippable cutscene, unskippable intro movies, linear gameplay, gliding, gore system, finishing move, in-game moves list, scripted events, fire manipulation, aggressive door-opening, superpowers, strategic dismemberment, sibling rivalry, context sensitive, reversible cover art, counter system, sociopathy, petrification, bad parents, trilogy, second person perspective, playstation home tie-in, tragic hero, crowd control, heroic sacrifice, health from romance, dark past, greatest hits, white magic, monologue, off-camera death, fury, bangsian fantasy, easy mode, divine punishment, inner-thoughts world, sixaxis support, on disc dlc, interactive achievement awards 2011, e3 2009, tokyo game show 2009, pax 2009, e3 2008, gamescom 2009, spike video game awards 2009, male protagonist, sexual themes
Plattformen: PlayStation 3
Spielerperspektiven: Third person
Ähnliche Spielen: Assassin's Creed II, Dishonored, God of War, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, God of War II, God of War: Chains of Olympus, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Dante's Inferno
Themen: Action, Fantasy, Historical
Websites: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_War_III, https://godofwar.playstation.com/, https://godofwar.fandom.com/wiki/God_of_War_III, https://www.facebook.com/godofwar, https://twitter.com/sonysantamonica, https://instagram.com/santamonicastudio, https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/God%20of%20War%20III
Lokalisierungen: 갓 오브 워 III (Korea)
Sammlungen: God of War

LIVE: God of War III

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